I recently travelled to Washington DC to work with a photography mentor. Over the past few weeks, several people have asked me how I met and started working with Natasha of NPS Photography.
I found Natasha through Sabrina Gebheardt’s podcast, Shoot it Straight and immediately started following her.

Things that stood out to me and made me want to work with her as a mentor-
- Natasha’s work is beautiful and emotive. She gives families the space to be themselves in their photos and that is what I want to offer you.
- She is consistently building up Mama. As a mom, I’m pretty tired- and I can bet you are too. I loved the way she spoke so encouragingly to the moms reading her post.
- She encourages real over perfection- she’s not pushing a specific look or wardrobe and a perfectly styled and emaculate house. She wants her clients to dress like themselves bc that’s what they want to remember and how they will be most comfortable. She recognizes that every home and style is different and THATS A GOOD THING. She’s not looking for instagram’s definition of perfection but for your definition of home.
- She prioritizes mom and dad. I always say that if it wasn’t for mom and dad, those kiddos would not be there. Showing that connection helps all of the other ones show up more clearly.
- She has an amazing and successful business. She produces beautiful work and serves her clients thoroughly. She’s moved her business (semi) recently and is still growing. She continues to educate and push herself bc staying stagnate really means you are going backwards.

I love that God makes community a part of us. That obviously shows up in marriage, friendship, and family life, but why can’t it be part of small business too? So many of our experiences and gifts can be used to build others up as well- thank you, Natasha for sharing yours with me.

How does this apply to you?
My goal as a photographer is to continue to grow and learn, regardless of how long I have been offering this service. Whether it’s through my actual photography or how I work with people, I consistently want to offer you, as my clients, the very best service. My time with Natasha helped me consider your needs and get another set of eyes on my work so I can give you amazing images. It helped me see how I can serve you better and capture your love even more.
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